Whether your faith community is just beginning to approach the conversation about structural racism and white supremacy or you have been engaging in this work for years, Faith 4 Justice can support you as you begin to transform the culture of your faith community.
Faith 4 Justice provides practical tools that unveil white supremacy culture in faith institutions and explores internal processes with leadership and congregations. We foster holy imagination and strategic planning that leads to congregational transformation, and systemic change in the world.
Learn more using the tabs below and use the form below to connect with us about working together.

Is your faith community ready to dive deeper together? Faith 4 Justice offers an ongoing consulting relationship that starts with comprehensive equity assessments, surveys, and evaluations of faith communities’ leadership and congregation. These tools identify the existing racial equity culture of your community and establish a baseline for pre and post evaluations to communicate to stakeholders. Informed by these assessments, next steps may include:
- Facilitating space to activate and deepen your faith by exploring and embodying sacred text
- A praxis of healing, breathing and embodiment
- 1:1 accompaniment and coaching
- Creating generative spaces to embrace truth-telling, shared learning, reflection, and meaningful acts of justice.
- Popular Education and participatory (hands-on) processes that engage participants affectively, intellectually, and somatically to lead to collective action.
To connect with us about working with your faith community fill out the form below.
Rev. Tami Forte Logan and other Faith 4 Justice collaborators regularly preach, teach, and facilitate group processes in Asheville and the surrounding area. See upcoming dates and events below and use the form to invite us to your faith community anywhere in the country.

We understand that different moments in this work require different responses. To inquire about specific work outside of that described here, fill out this form and a Discernment Committee member will connect with you.